'It is always a delight to accompany Julie Boden on harp. She consistently charms and stirs audiences with her hypnotic delivery of visceral, moving poetry. With every plink of the harp string her words bound into the audience and find comfort in the breast pockets of all who are listening.

Sam Fox    Kindle Theatre

"Delighted 'City Voices' with her wit, insight and sheer skill as a writer/performer".

"Our writers' group (Tettenhall) really enjoyed the workshop. Thanks."

Simon Fletcher  Literature Development Officer

"As Birmingham's poet laureate Julie brought more and new sensations, emotions and insights into our lives. She made you feel you lived in a special place that could help nurture such inspired words.'

John Dolan

'Through the Eye of a Crow' was an exceptional experience; you so wanted to hear and watch it again - there was so much to ponder - yet it had fled before you realised. Come back."

John Dolan


Julie has opened up a new dimension in poetry for me. That day, two years back, when she taught me the magic that is within a Malayan Pantoum, a ghazal, a paradelle has been by far the most memorable day in my life. ( Madhura De , Calcutta, India)